We Are Open
North East Lincolnshire
Photographic Society
A member of the Lincolnshire Photographic Society and the North and East Midlands Photographic Federation
Presentation and Awards 2023
Award Winners 2023
Creative PDI Competition
1st Stuart Hardy - Snow Trek 2nd Malcolm Brown - Through the Veil 3rd Janice Lusby - Misty Morning Sherwood Forest
Creative Print Competition
1st Scott Hall - Message in a bottle 2nd Colin Lusby - Autumn Leaves. 3rd Malcolm Brown - Drowning in drink
Themed PDI Competition “Seen in Lincolnshire”
1st Colin Lusby - The Roofer 2nd Ray Duke - Towards the Wolds 3rd Ray Duke - Tealby Church
Themed Print Competition “Seen in Lincolnshire”
1st Scott Hall- The Lady of the Hall 2nd Malcolm Brown-Night Sky 3rd Colin Lusby- First Light, over Grainsby Cleethorpes
Monochrome PDI Competition
1st Stuart Cook- Victorian Smile 2nd Stuart Hardy- Light Entertainment 3rd Colin Lusby- Coalport Canal
Monochrome Print Competition
1st Scott Hall- Niamh 2nd Scott Hall- That’s the way to do it. 3rd Stuart Cook- My Grandad
The Annual PDI Competition
1st Ray Duke- Three Vases 2nd Scott Hall- Vintage Hay Wagon. 3rd Malcolm Brown - You want more!
The Annual Print Competition
1st Scott Hall- Season Watch. 2nd Colin Lusby- Nature Photography 3rd Colin Lusby- Coalport pre-David Attenborough
PDI Photographer of the Year
1st Stuart Hardy 69 2nd= Malcolm Brown 48 3rd Mike Pounder 30 2nd=Tracy Drake 48
Print Photographer of the Year
1st Scott Hall 100 2nd Ray Duke 60 3rd Malcolm Brown 57