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1. GENERAL (PDI = Projected Digital Image)


1.1 Competitions are only open to fully paid up members of the Society. 

1.2 No print or PDI may be offered for more than one quarterly competition, although it may be submitted for other Society competitions. 

1.3 The same image cannot be used in print or PDI form in the same competition by the same author. 

1.4 The Society (North East Lincolnshire Photographic Society) accepts all images that have been made by radiation of any wavelength using any means available.

1.5 The image may be enhanced in the darkroom, by camera, or by computer, or by the addition of pigments and or chemicals to the final print. 

1.6 The copyright used in the generation of the final picture must be at the disposal of the member concerned. 

1.7 The use of copyright free material is not permitted.

1.8 Any manipulation of a print or PDI must be done entirely by the author. 

1.9 Any compilation of prints or PDI must be done entirely by the author. 



2.1 Subjects for all four quarterly competitions will be announced in advance for the forthcoming year. 

2.2 Subjects will be chosen by the committee to provide a range of topics. 

2.3 The Committee reserves the right to change any competition subject, but such alterations shall be announced well in advance of the date entries are due. 



3.1 Each entry must have the author's name or society membership number. 

3.2 A maximum of three prints and/or PDIs may be entered by any member in any competition, other than the Annual Competition which is 3 panels. 

3.3 Entries must be titled, the title must be evident on each entry. 

3.4 Prints must be mounted on suitable stiff mount and backing to permit display, once mounted the entries must not exceed 500mm x 400mm. 

3.5 Entries must be received by the Competition Secretary at least two weeks before the competition, except where otherwise stated in the particular competition rules.



4.1 Competitions will be judged by an outside judge, except where otherwise stated in the particular competition rules. 



 5.1 The top three entries in each competition shall be awarded stickers indicating the position achieved and the competition in which it was entered. 



6.1. New trophies are presented to the competition winners each year. 

6.2. Any trophies/certificates won by the Society will be held in trust by the President.        

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